Da Lat
Dalat (Da Lat ) - City Flower
Dalat, nickamed" Little Paris" at 1500m, has remain its ancient charm. Highly sought in colonial times for its climate, the city of flowers, green meadows, pine forests, lakes and waterfalls, still attracts nowadays many Vietnamese for their honeymoon. Climatologists call "The City of Eternal Spring" because the average winter temperature never drops below 10 º C and in summer it does not exceed 25ºC. With this sweet and mild climate, Dalat remains during the four seasons, a flower garden colors and fragrances miles.
Villas and cottages with exceptional architecture is hidden in the pine forest surrounding the city center of Dalat organized around the central market. This market is one of the most attractive markets in the country. There are an incredible variety of vegetables, fruits and flowers grown in the region.
In the region a large number of varieties Vietnamese flowers original and hybrids, such as roses, rhododendrons, xacphao flowers, camellias, mimosas, the immortal, the salvias or narcissus have been planted. In this temperate climate also grow all year round many varieties offruits and vegetables such as straw berries and artichokes. It is a pleasure to come and taste local products such as persimmons, plums, apples, peaches or pears.
Visitors will visit a poetic, beautiful and discreetarchitecture, the palaces,hotels, museums,markets andtemples.CommunityDalatresult ofan extremely originalintegration ofthe North,Centreand South. Its people arealsoknown for their hospitality. Dalatis alsoimbued with theculturalcachetofthe Central Highlands. Here, visitorswill have theopportunity to visit theethnic minority villages: CoHo,Ma,ChuRu,practicingclearing,horticulture,plantationcoffee,teaand raisingpets.At villagefestivals andfamily celebrations, visitors can attenddances andsongs, withoriginaltraditional instruments.
A must see, the summer residence of Emperor Bao Dai, beautiful yellow ocher villa style of the 30s. In Malet Stevens , there are some furniture and objects that belonged to the living emperor.
Yellow station copy of the Deauville, retains a unique train that tries to escape on a track to the delight of tourists.
Built between 1931 and 1942, the cathedral all dressed in pink before the top of its 47 meters on the last vestiges of the French presence in Indochina.
Around many walks available to you, enjoy the quiet and cool stunts and Takes Dental before returning to the sweltering heat of the plains
Things to do :
- Visit the Valley of love and dreams and hill station .
- Walk in the city center and the central market
- Moments in a cafe in front of Ho Xuan Huong Lake
- Bike ride in the surrounding neighborhoods .

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