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The Udong site is located forty kilometers north of Phnom Penh, on the west bank of the Tonle Sap. It is a stopping point on the road between Phnom Penh and Battambang.
Former capital of the kingdom in the seventeenth century and from 1740 to 1746, Udong was founded by King Soryopor (Barom Reachea IV) in 1601. King Ang Duong (1841-1850), a great builder, realized canals, terraces, and bridges and erected a hundred pagodas in the region, the number of which should surprise and amaze visitors.
Udong now falls into disrepair and there are only few remains. The place of pilgrimage for the Khmers, Udong is not a tourist destination in itself, but you can still visit the vestiges there that remain in:
- Pagoda Preah Atharas: built on a hill, the pagoda was destroyed several times by war. Some vestiges: eight columns, pedestal carved Buddha, stone gates ...
- The hill of the three stupas (Buddhist funerary monument conical): that of the king Ang Duong built in 1891, all brick, one of Tria Treng, built in 1623 by King Prache Kietia and the last built by Norodom Sihanouk, the latest and greatest. From the hill, we can have panoramic views of the Khmer countryside.

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An idea circuit from North to South Vietnam through its beautiful sights, with a moderate rythm, the variety of activities for children, good accommodation for family.

Summer Promotion
Summer is a great time to travel, to enjoy the beautiful beach but traveling with many attractive offres is a great thing even better. Please see below our special promotion for your summer trip