Visa Cambodia
To enter Cambodia, a visa is required and your passport must be valid at least more than 6 months from the departure date from Cambodia.
The "visa on arrival" option in Cambodia is quite easy and widespread. With a valid passport, a passport size photo 4x6 cm, a completed application form and $ 20 in cash, you will see your visa (tourist 1 month) affixed for 5-10 minutes at international airports (Phnom Penh and Siem Reap ), as well as land border gates (with Vietnam, Thailand) without the need for any formalities.
Cambodia tourist visa is renewable on site, for only one time
The visa can be obtained at the following entry points
International Airports
1. Phnom Penh International Airport
2. Siem Reap International Airport
Borders Cambodia-Vietnam
1. International entry point Bavet (road) (Svay Rieng Province)
2. International gateway of Ka-orm Samnor (Kandal province)
3. International gateway of Phnom Den (Takeo province)
4. International gateway Dong Kro Lor (Stung Treng)
5. International entry Tropiang Sre (Kratie)
6. International entry Tropiang Phlong (Kompong Cham)
7. International gateway Prek Chak (province of Kom Pot)
8. International gateway Banteay Chakrey (Prey Veng province)
Borders Cambodia-Thailand
1. International entry Cham Yeam (road) Point (Koh Kong)
2. International entry Poi Pet (road) Point (province Banteaymeanchey)
3. International entry point O'Smach (road) (province of Udormeanchey)
4. International entry of Prum (city of Pailin) Point
5. International entry Daung Point (Battambang province)
6. International entry Chuam Point (province Udormeanchey)
Borders Cambodia-Laos
International entry of O'Yadav (Ratanakiri)

Free Visa Upon Arrival Letter
Are you going to Viet Nam next months? Don't you know how to get the visa? Don't worry about that because we can take care of this. Only one thing you have to do is sending us your copy of your passerport.

The Best Offer for Family
An idea circuit from North to South Vietnam through its beautiful sights, with a moderate rythm, the variety of activities for children, good accommodation for family.

Summer Promotion
Summer is a great time to travel, to enjoy the beautiful beach but traveling with many attractive offres is a great thing even better. Please see below our special promotion for your summer trip