The North
It is well known that the Northern part of the country was the place where the nation was born and kept rigorously older Vietnamese traditions. The North of Vietnam can be divided into three regions: the Red River Delta, the midland and the high mountains of the far North. The last two are very attractive in their landscapes of extraordinary beauty and the diversity of ethnic groups that inhabit in the land. Across the roads in the Northern mountains, you can see villages with wooden houses with thatched roof and lovely children playing around their home yard….. As we move up to the higher land, we can see pine covering slopes living in perfect harmony with palm trees and villages sleeping in the midday heat.
The Centre
It begins 400 km from Hanoi , where the massive Hoanh Son joins the sea, forming the Gate of Trung Bo, on the 18th degree of north latitude. It will end at about fifty kilometers from Saigon. Trung Bo is a land in any length , with the exception of the northern regions corresponding to the provinces from Thanh Hoa and Nghe An. Its average width is 120 km and the difficulty is reduced to 40 km up to Dong Hoi in the province Quang Binh . Guru remark is that at this level, alluvial lands included entered first foothills of the Truong Son mountain and cord coastal dunes , only a few hundred meters. "She draw a convex curve of the sea coast and do not suggest an obese belly Cape Varella be back" ( Huard ) . The Cordillera center, which serves the border with Laos, lies 600 km north- west to south - east to the province of Quang Nam Danang, before giving way to the Highlands, composed of metamorphic rocks and volcanic. The Cordillera rarely exceeds 1500 m, while its culminat point is 2 598m Ngoc Linh .
The Highland
Located inthe southern part ofthe AnnamiteCordilleraTruongSon,theCentral Highlandsincludethe provinces ofLamDong,DakLak, Gia LaiandKonTum. This fertileregionof volcanic origin,crossingrivers anddotted with lakes, is inhabited bymany ethnicminorities livingmainly fromagricultureandsome livestock. If the regionhas sufferedspraying ofAgent Orangeby the U.S. military, it has neverthelessretained itsstrengthwith its vastcoffee plantations,deep forests, waterfalls,ethnic groups, includingsome familiescontinue toraiseelephants... Central Highlandsis home toAreaGongculturein the Central Highlandsof Vietnam,aWorld Heritage Site.
The South
Nam bo, formerly known as Nam Ky, represents an area of 56 000 km2. It is the result of filling the Gulf Quaternary era, concomitant with the emergence of a shallow submarine base. This filling which is continuous, is the work of a great river, the Mekong delta which irrigates 50,000 km2, of which 40 000 km2 in Vietnam. North and east of the country, totaled only mountainous regions (one should rather speak of hills, since the peaks do not reach 1,000 m). The coastline is decidedly flat, with the most notable exception, Cape Saint Jacques ( Vung Tau today ) and 500 m. Along the coast are divided many beautiful resorts, not to mention the famous Halong Bay with its 3 000 reefs , reconue by UNESCO as World Natural Heritage. Vietnam has many forests in yet exploited, fauna and flora ganda value, high temperate climate regions very taken by tourists and countless lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and caves.
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