The Kingdom of Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy. Pluralist liberal democracy appears as a state objective.
King reigns but no power. Head of State for life, King embodies the symbol of national unity and national continuity. He is the guarantor of national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. He plays the role of arbitrator to ensure the regularity of the operation of government.
Specialty: the Cambodian monarchy is elective and not hereditary. In case of death of the king, the new head of state will be chosen from among the members of the royal family by a Board composed of the throne said Council, among others, the President of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister.
Legislative power is exercised by the National Assembly. It is composed of 123 members elected for five years. Following the 2008 elections, the main political parties are: the Cambodian People's Party (or PPC) with 90 seats (58% of the vote), the Sam Rainsy Party to Democratic and liberal, main opponent of PPC, with 26 seats (22% of the vote). Conservative and nationalist FUNCINPEC (National United Front for an Independent Cambodia, Neutral, Peaceful and Cooperative) holds only two seats against fifty-eight in 1993.
Executive power is exercised by the Council of Ministers is the Royal Government of Cambodia. The Council of Ministers is headed by a Prime Minister, assisted by a Deputy Prime Minister and Ministers of State, Ministers and State Secretaries as members.
Le Premier Ministre est désigné par le Roi parmi les députés du parti vainqueur aux élections, sur proposition du Président de l’Assemblée Nationale et avec l'avis conforme des deux Vice - Présidents.
Le pouvoir judiciaire est constitutionnellement indépendant. Le Cambodge ne dispose que d’un seul ordre de juridiction, mais l’organisation judiciaire dans son ensemble est très inspirée du système français. Le pays se dote d’un Conseil supérieur de la Magistrature qui a un grand pouvoir dans la nomination des juges, d’un Conseil constitutionnel chargé du respect de la constitutionalité, d’une Cour suprême, des cours d’appel et des tribunaux d’instances.
The Prime Minister is appointed by the King from among the members of the winning party, on the proposal of the President of the National Assembly and with the assent of two Vice - Presidents.
The judiciary is constitutionally independent. Cambodia has only one level of jurisdiction, but the judiciary as a whole is very inspired by the French system. The country adopted a Higher Council of the Judiciary which has great power in the appointment of judges, a constitutional council responsible for compliance with the constitutionality of a Supreme Court, courts of appeal and courts instances.

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